
Bogchat - Instant Messanger

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ReelinNautical is away.

ReelinNautical: Alright pardner, looks like it's gettin' to be the time where I need to ride my horse into the sunset all mysterious-like. I'll be seein' you!

ReelinNautical: Yep! It's like a boot right up in that place where the sun ain't never shine!

ReelinNautical: Well its a mighty great feelin' right in the pit of your stomach. When you get to lookin' at the person you think you love and it feels like you're a great big fish stuck in a net fighting for your life trying to escape and your heart beats faster and faster. That's when you'll know!

ReelinNautical: Heh. Course I do! Not to brag but i've been in love bout 100 times at this point. I'll always remember my first love 'ol reliable. My first ever fishin' rod. Anyways got anythin' in specific?

ReelinNautical: You're darn tootin'. What kind of advice are you needin' today?

ReelinNautical: Howdy to you too pardner! How are ya?

ReelinNautical has signed in

